Here at LDE London, our mission is to advance and support aspiring professional women in food and beverage and we are founded on the principle of creating a supportive culture within our community through sharing knowledge; supporting our members and providing leadership, educational opportunities, and philanthropic events for the community at large.
One of the ways in which we do this is by actively encouraging and supporting women who want to enter the world of food and beverage.
This year we are thrilled to be sponsoring Alex Beighton to study for her Advanced Diploma in Artisan Baking at The School of Artisan Food. The course is accredited by FDQ and equivalent to Foundation Degree Level and is a full-time, intensive six-month course that boasts unrivalled tuition from industry’s most recognised producers and experts. It also includes an outstanding opportunity to explore setting up an artisan business.
Already, Alex has been busy covering a huge range of breads and learning about the business side of things with lessons on who to set up an artisan business.
This wonderful experience wouldn’t be possible without our sponsorship and funds raised by LDE London from our Edible London and Cork events. It is also a huge step in one woman’s career in the food industry, as Alex works towards her dream of opening her own bakery.
We are with Alex every step of the way!